Regular, drop-in sessions in Sheringham and North Walsham!

Click here to download flyer (PDF).
These drop-in, fun and lively sessions are suitable for all ages and abilities. Sessions are dementia-accessible and offer a wide variety of musical styles and genres with different session-leaders and themes each week. There’s something for everyone hopefully!
Refreshments will be on sale. Seats available on a first-come-first-served basis. You can arrive from 3pm for more social time/refreshments. We start singing at 3:45pm for an hour.
Sessions are timed to be after school so we would love to see families and young people getting involved. It’s a wonderful way to meet others and gain confidence singing and music-making with others. Come and join the fun!
Voluntary donations gratefully received via bucket collections on the day which help us continue these sessions and our other work locally. Thank you!
1st & 3rd Tuesdays of each month (except August), 10:30am-12 noon at The Sacred Hearts Catholic Church Hall in North Walsham, NR28 9JP. The first half an hour allows for settling in and coffee/social time then we sing 11-12.
This mixed ability, friendly and supportive group will give you a warm welcome! We use a variety of song styles and genres to maximise engagement and enjoyment while helping people gain confidence singing with others and increasing physical and social activities.
£5 voluntary donation requested (or what you can afford) to help keep the sessions running (includes refreshments).
Extremely rarely it may be necessary to cancel a session at short notice so please contact us to join our e-mailing list so you can be kept up-to-date.
Other general session info:
We include physical and vocal warm-ups to help you relax, breathe better and keep you safe as you prepare to sing and move! These often include exercises to encourage movement of muscles in the face, jaw and throat (particularly helpful for people experiencing speech difficulties or vocal quality decline, for example stroke survivors and/or people living with Parkinson’s).
Although we encourage movement during the session, to help increase physical exercise, you can join in as little or as much as you like or are able to.
To maximise enjoyment, feel free to bring your own percussion and something colourful to wave (i.e. a scarf). Items will be available for participants’ use on the day, for those happy to share equipment (sanitising wipes will be available but please bring your own hand sanitiser if you’d like to use it). Refreshments will be provided/available but please bring your own bottles of water to stay hydrated throughout the session.
If you’d like to join our mailing list to be kept up-to-date on any of our sessions, or you have any queries, please email us.
We rely heavily on donations and the constant hard work of our volunteers. We cannot continue without support! If you would like to help, you can make a donation online – further details here. Alternatively, if you’re interested in volunteering or getting involved, please contact us.