Singing for Better Breathing

In addition to our Singing for Lung Health (SFLH)/Singing for Breathing sessions here are some resources to help you help yourself at home

How singing can improve your breathing – information published by Asthma + Lung UK.

How singing can improve your wellbeing – information published by Asthma + Lung UK.

Asthma + Lung UK also offer FREE weekly online sessions over Zoom called Motivational Mondays! Click here for joining info.

Breathe yourself better! Simple breathing exercises and techniques (PDF)

Self help videos:

While we cannot take responsibility for any content on external websites, we can recommend looking on YouTube for simple breathing exercises you can do at home including:

This video produced by a physiotherapist as a demonstration of how to deepen the breath, which brings a range of health benefits and is good for reducing stress and anxiety:

These videos provide advice for better breathing from ‘Physiotherapy for Breathing Pattern Disorders’:

YouTube Videos published by the Sidney De Haan Research Centre to help you continue your practice at home/between sessions!  

NHS YouTube videos – breathing exercises and ‘Accent Method’

See Recommunicate Speech for breathing and vocal exercises that help improve voice quality and abdominal breathing (which supports the voice, reduces stress and anxiety and improves lung/general health) . These videos have been produced by Louise Lim, our Speech, Language and Communication consultant from Recommunicate Speech.

Other information and resources:

You might also be interested in joining the North Norfolk Breathe Easy Support Group which meets at Sheringham Community Centre monthly – more details here.

Find out about people’s experiences of Singing for Breathing in Cambridge

Order a free DVD from the British Lung Foundation (BLF) website – ‘Stay Active, Stay Well’ here. This DVD shows how you can be active in your own home at a level that’s right for you. It takes you through a warm up, aerobic and strengthening exercises as well as a cool down and stretching. Although produced for people with lung conditions, it is also suitable for others. It includes tips on how you can manage breathlessness and setting yourself goals.

The BLF also has some advice online to help keep yourself healthy and exercise at home for better lung health.

You can order the ‘Singing for Breathing’ CD here produced by Phoene Cave from The Musical Breath, who trained Tina as part of her training with the British Lung Foundation. The CD contains vocal exercises with an emphasis on improving lung health. It isn’t designed to substitute coming to a workshop but it’s a nice way of continuing to exercise at home.

Latest research on the benefits of ‘Singing for Breathing’ by the Sidney De Haan Research Centre for the Arts and Health (Published June 2017)

This ‘Singing for Lung Health’ (SLH) Systematic Review and Consensus Statement by the British Lung Foundation outlines the benefits of singing in terms of physical, psychological and social benefits. It is based on a review of research studies on the subject and written by a group of respiratory physicians, physiotherapists, nurses, health psychologists and music therapists.